Most likely you already know about the incredible blood drive Cedar Pointe hosted in May. We had so many donors that we surpassed our goal by nearly 50% and have had several Red Cross officials ask how we were so successful. My answer to that question is OUR RESIDENTS ARE AWESOME!
Please help us blow it out of the water and show them how AWESOME you are by participating in the Veteran’s Day Blood Drive on November 11th. The Red Cross is trying to accommodate the giving nature of you all by adding extra beds and extra time to this drive. Cedar Pointe is trying to accommodate the giving nature of you all by having lots of door prizes available for donors.
Still need to be convinced to donate blood? Here are some facts about blood donation…
à 4.5 Million Americans need a transfusion each year.
à Someone needs blood every two seconds.
à One pint of blood can save up to three lives.
à If only 1% more Americans would give blood, shortages would disappear in the foreseeable future.
à You will get free juice and cookies.
à You will weigh less when you leave.
à Nobody can ask you to do any heavy lifting as long as you have the bandage on. You can wear it for as long as you like. It's your badge of honor.
à It’s easy and convenient, being as you can donate right on your way home from work.
à It’s the right thing to do!