Most folks prefer to live somewhere where neighbors are looking out for one another. I feel like Cedar Pointe is DEFINITELY such a neighborhood, otherwise I wouldn't choose to live here myself. However it's not perfect and there is always room for improvement.
Imagine one of your neighbors sees someone carrying a new flat screen out of your apartment. Well you don't know your neighbor and he or she doesn't know you. Therefore when they see an actual crime taking place, they aren't aware of an issue and don't report it. Consider how quickly that potential burglary could be stopped if your neighbor realized that was suspicious activity and immediately reported it? This is what the Neighborhood Watch asks of you.
If more people are paying attention to our community, there's a greater chance that any criminal activity will be squashed before it even begins.
Your participation in the NHW provides you with information about local crimes, not only at Cedar Pointe but our surrounding area. You will learn about crime patterns and trends to know what you can do to keep yourself from being a target. The NHW discusses the proper recourse if you are a victim or see suspicious activity. It's also a fantastic way to meet your neighbors.

Join us for the next Neighborhood Watch Meeting on
Tuesday August 9th at 7 p.m.