Thursday, December 22, 2011

Is There Such Thing as Dog that's GOOD for an Apartment?

Many dog breeds make good apartment dogs, but first you must find out who they are.

Pick an apartment dog whose activity level matches your own. If you’re an active person and plan on jogging every day with your dog, you can choose a high-energy dog breed. With a lot of exercise, a high-energy dog can be happy in an apartment. But if you’re a couch potato, look for a pup that prefers resting over going for runs.

A dog’s temperament is also critical in determining whether or not he’ll be a good apartment dog. For a dog, an apartment community is a pretty stimulating place — there’s a lot of people coming and going, and there’s a constant hum of interesting noises. A good apartment dog is one who can handle all that stimulation without getting overly anxious. Anxious dogs are barkers, and that could cause problems with your neighbors.

The top four apartment dogs are:


Yorkshire Terrier
Because of the small size of a yorkie, they are able to get plenty of indoor exercise without the need for much outdoor exercise. They love cuddling and are the ultimate lap dogs. As an added bonus, they can be easily trained to use the bathroom on indoor "puppy pads."


Mastiffs are of course my favorite. Have you ever noticed the dog on our billboard on Interstate 24? That was my English Mastiff Zoë who died a couple of years ago. Mastiffs actually make good apartment dogs because they are very low energy. These gentle giants are very calm and rarely bark, making them suitable for busy apartment communities. With short walks every few days and daily indoor playtime, Mastiffs can be happy apartment dogs.

Despite being known as athletes, these mellow dogs make great family pets and enjoy nothing more than lying around on the couch all day. They do require regular walks, but they don’t need excessive daily exercise.


Basset Hound
Thanks to their mild temperament and inactive indoor lifestyle, Bassets are a good apartment dog breed. Basset Hounds love the outdoors, and while they can be OK without a yard of their own, they need regular outdoor exercise to be happy and healthy.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

No Excuse Not to Recycle

We've made it simple for you to take a small step in becoming green. We have recycling bins on site, and no sorting is required. You can put your paper, plastic, and metal in the same bin.
**No glass please**
Not sure how to start? Use a milk crate, storage bin, or laundry basket to collect your recycling. Once you begin you will be absolutely amazed at how much you were throwing away that is now being recycled.
It's so easy, why not?

Start Your New Year's Resolutions NOW

I've never really done the whole new year's resolution thing, but this year is going to be different. There are many things I want to do differently in 2012. So I did a little bit of research on the World Wide Web and this is what I've found...
Wikipedia says a new year's resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit.
New year's resolutions don't have to wait until January first. They can start today, right now, as you're reading this newsletter.
Don't just say, "hey I want to lose weight." Make a specific resolution or goal. Your goal should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time Bound - SMART!
Build specific objectives and timelines. Come up with a detailed plan on HOW you will reach  Read this often. 
Measure your progress on a regular basis.
Tell your friends what your resolution is so they can be supportive in helping you reach it.
Stick to it!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yo' Mama Did NOT Raise You Like That

If every other person who lives here threw down a gum wrapper, at the end of the day we would have nearly two pounds of litter on the ground.
If every third dog owner left their dog's droppings only once a day, at the end of the week there would be more than 116 pounds of feces at Cedar Pointe. At the end of the month, there would be nearly 500 pounds.
If every forth person threw only one cigarette butt on the ground each day, at the end of the year we would have nearly 90 pounds of nonbiodegradeable acetate cellulose, and polyvinyl acetate littering the landscape.
If every person picked up after themselves and their pets, imagine how much nicer Cedar Pointe could be.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

FALL Into Love - Pet Adoption Day & Pet Costume Contest

ANTIOCH, TN – October 14, 2011 – The “Fall In Love – Pet Adoption Day” at Cedar Pointe Apartments (1157 Bell Road) October 29th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. offers a fun way to celebrate pets and their owners. 
Teddy's Wagon from the Humane Association will be at Cedar Pointe Apartments with several loveable, adoptable dogs and cats.

Even if you're not looking to add a new member to your family, please come by with your already adorable dogs and cats for the festivities. We'll have a costume contest, take home treats, and lots of play time.

Teddy's Wagon, the Nashville Humane Association mobile adoption unit, travels to remote locations in and around Nashville with adoptable shelter dogs. The program began in June 2007 as a way to bring shelter animals into the community to help them get adopted.

The wagon is a 26' Fleetwood Trailer equipped with heat and air for the comfort of our animals, volunteers and visitors. Teddy's Wagon also serves as an emergency vehicle in times of crisis or natural disaster. It has traveled several times, throughout Middle Tennessee to help our furry neighbors in need during the wake of a weather emergency.

Please support Teddy's Wagon, so that NHA may continue to provide these important programs and services.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Got a Suggestion?

I think sometimes when you've been doing something for so long, you lose touch with the reality of that job. I think that has happened to me and maybe the rest of the staff. We're so consumed with meeting deadlines, keeping up with the competition, and staying on budget that we forget to focus on what really matters. And that's you, the resident.
We're so stuck in our daily routines that we've lost perspective on apartment living. We no longer have that fresh set of eyes that notices every way to make things better.
Our upcoming Trunk or Treat was suggested by a resident. We never would have thought of that because we're so used to doing the same old thing year after year.
Let us borrow your fresh set of eyes. If you have a suggestion (or criticism) give it to us. Call , stop by, or send me an e-mail at We are always open to any ideas that will improve your experience at Cedar Pointe.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Why Donate Blood?

Most likely you already know about the incredible blood drive Cedar Pointe hosted in May. We had so many donors that we surpassed our goal by nearly 50% and have had several Red Cross officials ask how we were so successful. My answer to that question is OUR RESIDENTS ARE AWESOME!

Please help us blow it out of the water and show them how AWESOME you are by participating in the Veteran’s Day Blood Drive on November 11th. The Red Cross is trying to accommodate the giving nature of you all by adding extra beds and extra time to this drive. Cedar Pointe is trying to accommodate the giving nature of you all by having lots of door prizes available for donors.
Still need to be convinced to donate blood? Here are some facts about blood donation…

à4.5 Million Americans need a transfusion each year.
àSomeone needs blood every two seconds.
àOne pint of blood can save up to three lives.
àIf only 1% more Americans would give blood, shortages would disappear in the foreseeable future.
àYou will get free juice and cookies.
àYou will weigh less when you leave.
àNobody can ask you to do any heavy lifting as long as you have the bandage on. You can wear it for as long as you like. It's your badge of honor.
àIt’s easy and convenient, being as you can donate right on your way home from work.
àIt’s the right thing to do!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Stay ACTIVE in Your Neighborhood Watch

Most folks prefer to live somewhere where neighbors are looking out for one another. I feel like Cedar Pointe is DEFINITELY such a neighborhood, otherwise I wouldn't choose to live here myself. However it's not perfect and there is always room for improvement.
Imagine one of your neighbors sees someone carrying a new flat screen out of your apartment. Well you don't know your neighbor and he or she doesn't know you. Therefore when they see an actual crime taking place, they aren't aware of an issue and don't report it. Consider how quickly that potential burglary could be stopped if your neighbor realized that was suspicious activity and immediately reported it? This is what the Neighborhood Watch asks of you.
If more people are paying attention to our community, there's a greater chance that any criminal activity will be squashed before it even begins.
Your participation in the NHW provides you with information about local crimes, not only at Cedar Pointe but our surrounding area. You will learn about crime patterns and trends to know what you can do to keep yourself from being a target. The NHW discusses the proper recourse if you are a victim or see suspicious activity. It's also a fantastic way to meet your neighbors.

Join us for the next Neighborhood Watch Meeting on
Tuesday August 9th at 7 p.m.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Importance of NOT Being Trashy

When you move into an apartment it becomes a part of you. You take ownership of your space and want it to reflect your personality. However, most people don't consider this about the outside of their apartment. People clean their car out in the parking lot, leaving trash everywhere. They throw cigarette butts on the ground and throw candy and gum wrappers where ever they stand.
Consider taking ownership of your surroundings whether in your apartment or outside your apartment. Please don't litter our community. This is not a pleasing sight for you, your neighbors, or your guests.
Gathering the litter is nearly a full time job for Felipe. There are so many other useful tasks he could perform to better our community if we ALL worked together to keep it clean.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Energy Efficiency in an Apartment

We may not have solar power, digital thermostats, or tankless water heaters to minimize your electricity use, but there are several things that you can do to save on your electric bills.
Energy Efficient Bulbs: Replace all the bulbs in your apartment with these compact florescent lights. Especially in the may not be as attractive, but you can replace all four of your larger incandescent bulbs with only one CFL.
Water Heater: Turn the breaker to your water heater off when it's not in use. This way you're only heating the water you need when you need it. But, you do have to get in the habit of remembering to turn it on and off. That's the hard part for me.
Thermostat: Don't turn your air conditioning OFF, because this will make the unit run twice as hard when you turn it back on. Instead turn it up or down five or so degrees when it's not in use.
Heat/Air Efficiency: Don't heat or cool a room that is not in use. Simply close the vent to that area. Also leave bedroom doors open when possible. This helps the heat or air circulate throughout the apartment.
Window Treatments: Mary says curtains are what makes a home say hello. Help your home say hello and stay cool by adding black out curtains. They make an incredible difference in the temperature of your home.
Phantom Electricity: Unplug EVERYTHING when not in use. You could also do what I do and put your cell phone charger, television, dvd player, etc. plugged into the top row of outlets. This enables me to be able to flip my "extra" light switch off and kill the power to these items.
These are just a handful of tips that you can use to help maintain a lower electric bill. Do your own research and find tips that are useful to you, but be sure to share them with the rest of us!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New to the Blogging Game

We have never blogged before, so please bare/bear with us!

We thought this would be a great venue for residents and/or potential residents to stay current on all that goes on at Cedar Pointe, because it's A LOT to keep up with.

If you have any suggestions for the blog, please let us know. You can e-mail or call 615-731-0072.

Thank you!