Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to Plunge a Toilet

More than half the time we're called out to unclog a toilet the resident says they already plunged it but it didn't work. The other half of the time they don't even have a plunger.
Here are some tips for getting your clog out without having to call me.
First of all...BUY A PLUNGER! They now have cute girly plungers, and plungers that double as toilet paper holders. You don't NEED these fancy items, but you might be more apt to buy it if it's cute!
*Try running hot water over the rubber of your plunger to make the rubber softer.
*Make sure you only have about half as much water in the bowl as normal. Too much water will cause a mess, but not enough will prevent a good seal.
*You want the rubber head of the plunger to have more water in it than air to help create a better seal.
*Cover the hole in the toilet bowl with the rubber head and pump vigorously about ten times, but be careful not to let the head lose contact with the hole.
*Repeat if necessary