Thursday, October 27, 2011

FALL Into Love - Pet Adoption Day & Pet Costume Contest

ANTIOCH, TN – October 14, 2011 – The “Fall In Love – Pet Adoption Day” at Cedar Pointe Apartments (1157 Bell Road) October 29th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. offers a fun way to celebrate pets and their owners. 
Teddy's Wagon from the Humane Association will be at Cedar Pointe Apartments with several loveable, adoptable dogs and cats.

Even if you're not looking to add a new member to your family, please come by with your already adorable dogs and cats for the festivities. We'll have a costume contest, take home treats, and lots of play time.

Teddy's Wagon, the Nashville Humane Association mobile adoption unit, travels to remote locations in and around Nashville with adoptable shelter dogs. The program began in June 2007 as a way to bring shelter animals into the community to help them get adopted.

The wagon is a 26' Fleetwood Trailer equipped with heat and air for the comfort of our animals, volunteers and visitors. Teddy's Wagon also serves as an emergency vehicle in times of crisis or natural disaster. It has traveled several times, throughout Middle Tennessee to help our furry neighbors in need during the wake of a weather emergency.

Please support Teddy's Wagon, so that NHA may continue to provide these important programs and services.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Got a Suggestion?

I think sometimes when you've been doing something for so long, you lose touch with the reality of that job. I think that has happened to me and maybe the rest of the staff. We're so consumed with meeting deadlines, keeping up with the competition, and staying on budget that we forget to focus on what really matters. And that's you, the resident.
We're so stuck in our daily routines that we've lost perspective on apartment living. We no longer have that fresh set of eyes that notices every way to make things better.
Our upcoming Trunk or Treat was suggested by a resident. We never would have thought of that because we're so used to doing the same old thing year after year.
Let us borrow your fresh set of eyes. If you have a suggestion (or criticism) give it to us. Call , stop by, or send me an e-mail at We are always open to any ideas that will improve your experience at Cedar Pointe.